Mathematics 2016-05-03T17:12:23Z Maplepop LLC Algebraic Geometry math.AG Algebraic Topology math.AT Analysis of PDEs math.AP Category Theory math.CT Classical Analysis and ODEs math.CA Combinatorics math.CO Commutative Algebra math.AC Complex Variables math.CV Differential Geometry math.DG Dynamical Systems math.DS Functional Analysis math.FA General Mathematics math.GM General Topology math.GN Geometric Topology math.GT Group Theory math.GR History and Overview math.HO Information Theory math.IT K-Theory and Homology math.KT Logic math.LO Mathematical Physics math.MP Metric Geometry math.MG Number Theory math.NT Numerical Analysis math.NA Operator Algebras math.OA Optimization and Control math.OC Probability math.PR Quantum Algebra math.QA Representation Theory math.RT Rings and Algebras math.RA Spectral Theory math.SP Statistics Theory math.ST Symplectic Geometry math.SG